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Posts Tagged ‘Editor’

3 Best Online Real Time Syntax Highlighting Editor in Javascript

1. CodeMirror Syntax Highlighting Editor

CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for code-like content ― computer programs, HTML markup, and similar. If a parser has been written for the language you are editing (see below for a list of supported languages), the code will be coloured, and the editor will help you with indentation.

CodeMirror JavaScript demonstration

CodeMirror JavaScript demonstration

2. Edit Area Syntax Highlighting Editor

Here is EditArea, a free javascript editor for source code. (That is no way a WYSIWYG editor).
This editor is designed to edit souce code files in a textarea. The main goal is to allow text formatting, search and replace and real-time syntax highlight (for not too heavy text).

EditArea - the code editor in a textarea

EditArea - the code editor in a textarea

3. CodePress web-based source code editor

CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it’s being typed in the browser.

  CodePress  web-based source code editor

CodePress web-based source code editor


You can try some features with the demo below.

  • Real-time syntax highlighting » just write some code
  • Code snippets » on PHP example type “if” and press [tab]
  • Auto completion » simple type ” or ( or ‘ or [ or { on any example below (except Plain Text)
  • Shortcuts » on PHP example press [ctrl][shift][space]. It’s shortcut to  
  • Multiple windows » you can add multiple CodePress windows to the same page