Published by admin on 2nd November 2011
Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.

firebug javascript debug tool
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Published by admin on 31st October 2011
Google Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. It is a true compiler for JavaScript. Instead of compiling from a source language to machine code, it compiles from JavaScript to better JavaScript. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what’s left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls.
YUI Compressor The YUI Compressor is JavaScript minifier designed to be 100% safe and yield a higher compression ratio than most other tools. Tests on the YUI Library have shown savings of over 20% compared to JSMin (becoming 10% after HTTP compression). The YUI Compressor is also able to compress CSS files by using a port of Isaac Schlueter‘s regular-expression-based CSS minifier.
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Published by admin on 19th April 2011
Timeago: Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. “4 minutes ago” or “about 1 day ago”).
Flexselect: Flexselect is a jQuery plugin that turns select boxes into flex-matching incremental-finding controls. Think of it as Quicksilver squished into a select box.
Facebox: Facebox is a jQuery-based, Facebook-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages. It’s simple to use and easy on the eyes.
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Published by admin on 18th April 2011
The Vista-like Ajax Calendar (vlaCalendar) version 2 is a unobtrusive web version of the slick and profound Windows Vista taskbar calendar, by using the MooTools javascript framework, AJAX, XHTML, CSS and PHP.
Key features:
- Authentic Vista look-and-feel
- Quick navigation by jumping back and forth between months, years and decades without drop-down boxes
- Smooth transition animations
- Customizable features
- Lightweight

Published by admin on 16th April 2011
dfGallery 2.0 is one of the coolest Free Flash Galleries. v1 with 200,000+ downloads was the hottest topic on our site and we hope to see a lot with this too. This is just the alpha release and we expect lots of feedback to get this to its best possible..
The reason for this gallery to be cool is not just its UI but the way it is built and architected. We have an amazing theme engine built to support custom themes with multiple skins for each. The administration console built on CodeIginter lets you manage multiple galleries and albums of different types.

dfGallery 2.0 - Free Flash Gallery
Published by admin on 16th April 2011
Flexigrid Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content.
Similar in concept with the Ext Grid only its pure jQuery love, which makes it light weight and follows the jQuery mantra of running with the least amount of configuration.

Flexigrid - Web 2.0 Javscript Grid for jQuery
- Resizable columns
- Resizable height and width
- Sortable column headers
- Cool theme
- Can convert an ordinary table
- Ability to connect to an ajax data source (XML and JSON[new])
- Paging
- Show/hide columns
- Toolbar (new)
- Search (new)
- Accessible API
- Many more
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Published by admin on 7th April 2011
The Contained Sticky Scroll plugin is designed to allow an element to stick to the top of the screen as page scrolls down, but without moving outside of the parent container.
For example, the sidebar to the right has been animated with the plugin. When you scroll down to read the different options that the plugin allows you to use, you will notice that the sidebar will actually stick to the top of the window until we scroll past the main content area and into the footer. Then the sticky scrolling will stop.

Freebie- Contained Sticky Scroll jQuery Plugin
Published by admin on 6th April 2011
ShrinkSafe is a JavaScript “compression” system. It can typically reduce the size of your scripts by a third or more, depending on your programming style.
Many other tools also shrink JavaScript files, but ShrinkSafe is different. Instead of relying on brittle regular expressions, ShrinkSafe is based on Rhino, a JavaScript interpreter. This allows ShrinkSafe to transform the source of a file with much more confidence that the resulting script will function identically to the file you uploaded.
Best of all, ShrinkSafe will never change a public variable or API. That means that you can drop the compressed version of your JavaScript into your pages without changing the code that uses it. Many of your Javascript files will be condensed into a single file and compressed.
Published by admin on 4th April 2011
1. videojs
VideoJS is an HTML5 Video Player with 3 core parts: An embed code (Video for Everybody), a Javascript library (video.js), and a pure HTML/CSS skin (video-js.css).Using Video for Everybody as the embed code means you know it’s compatible with many devices (including ones without javascript).The javascript library fixes browser & device bugs, and makes sure your video is even more compatible across different browser versions.
The pure HTML5/CSS skin ensures a consistent look between HTML5 browsers, and easy custom skinning if you want to give it a specific look, or brand it with your own colors. See the skins page for examples of custom skins.

HTML5 Video Player I VideoJS
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Published by admin on 3rd April 2011
1. Minimal Comps
Minimal Comps are a set of Flash-based User Interface Components written in ActionScript 3.0 by Keith Peters of
The key point is that these components are lightweight and extremely easy to use. They are ideal for experimenting and prototyping. They do not have all the features that you would find in, say, Flex. And they probably aren’t what you want for a complex, data-driven enterprise site with a complex layout. But then again, they are a tiny, tiny fraction of the size, and have a tiny fraction of the learning curve of Flex components.

minimalcomps samples
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