Published by admin on 24th October 2011
The developers of TinyMCE brings you Plupload, a highly usable upload handler for your Content Management Systems or similar. Plupload is currently separated into a Core API and a jQuery upload queue widget this enables you to either use it out of the box or write your own custom implementation.
Published by admin on 3rd April 2011
1. Minimal Comps
Minimal Comps are a set of Flash-based User Interface Components written in ActionScript 3.0 by Keith Peters of
The key point is that these components are lightweight and extremely easy to use. They are ideal for experimenting and prototyping. They do not have all the features that you would find in, say, Flex. And they probably aren’t what you want for a complex, data-driven enterprise site with a complex layout. But then again, they are a tiny, tiny fraction of the size, and have a tiny fraction of the learning curve of Flex components.

minimalcomps samples
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Published by admin on 23rd February 2011
AsWing is an Open Source Flash ActionScript GUI framework and library that allows programmers to make their flash application(or RIA) UI easily. Its usage is similar to Java Swing. It provides a set of GUI components, which we intent to implement in pure object oriented ActionScript 2. A pluggable look and feel will be implemented too. It also provides many Util classes. AsWing is BSD licensed.
AsWing A3 is the next/another life with ActionScript 3, components set is almost same to ActionScript 2 time, but capabilities are much more powerful.

awswing flash gui framework
Published by admin on 27th November 2010
Flare is an ActionScript library for creating visualizations that run in the Adobe Flash Player. From basic charts and graphs to complex interactive graphics, the toolkit supports data management, visual encoding, animation, and interaction techniques. Even better, flare features a modular design that lets developers create customized visualization techniques without having to reinvent the wheel.

View the demos and sample applications to see a few of the visualizations that flare makes it easy to build.
To begin making your own visualizations, download flare and work through the tutorial. You should also get familiar with the API documentation. Need more help? Visit the help forum (you’ll need a SourceForge login to post).
Published by admin on 3rd March 2008
MegaZine 3 is an open source, Flash driven pageflip engine. A pageflip engine is a tool which recreates the look and feel of actual books or magazines on the screen. To the right you can see an little, fully interactive example.
A more elaborate demo is available here. It includes GUI, video, sound and more.