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Archive for the ‘JQuery’ Category

Ample SDK Open Source Javascript GUI Framework HTM5 SVG Supported


Ample SDK is a standard-based cross-browser JavaScript UI Framework for building Rich Internet Applications. It employs XML technologies (such as XUL, SVG or HTML5) for UI layout, CSS for UI style and JavaScript with standard DOM/jQuery APIs for application logic. It equalizes browsers and brings technologies support to those missing any.


Ample SDK is entirely written in JavaScript and thus it does not require any specific components installed in the browser to operate properly. It doesn’t modify the browser infrastructure but rather fills in the missing functionality. Go to Advantages to get more detailed information on the Ample SDK strengths.


Ample SDK consists of a Ample Runtime (or Core), User Interface Markup Language implementations and a set of plugins. Ample Runtime implements DOM (Level 3), XML languages, objects facilitating work with XML, XSL-T, and a whole range of UI services. Every UI Markup Language implementation is included separately depending on your needs and specifics of the User Interface you build. Have a closer look at the Ample SDK Technologies.

amplesdk sample screenshot

amplesdk sample screenshot

jQuery Full Month Calendar Plugin Supports Events

jMonthCalendar is a full month calendar that supports events. You simply initialize the calendar with options and an events array and it can handle the rest. The plugin does have extension points that allow the developer to interact with the calendar when the display is about to change months, after the display has changed months and when the event bubbles are clicked on. jMonthCalendar now supports hover extension points, hover over an event and trigger an event like an alert(); By default the events would each have a URL supplied that would link to a details page.

jMonthCalendar - jQuery Calendar Plugin

Free jQuery image zoom plugin Cloud Zoom

Cloud Zoom is a free jQuery image zoom plugin, a comparable alternative to products such as Magic Zoom. Compared to the popular jQZoom plugin, Cloud Zoom is smaller, has more features and more robust compatability across browsers.

cloud zoom sample

cloud zoom sample


  • Works with most browsers (tested on IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari).
  • Easy integration with basic valid HTML.
  • Small 6Kb (minified) script.
  • Smooth zoom movement.
  • Gallery mode.
  • Tint, soft focus and inner zoom features.
  • Degrades gracefully with Javascript turned off.
  • Fully accessible with no CSS or text only browsers.
  • It’s completely free.

HTML5 real time data visualization chart HumbleFinance

HumbleFinance is an HTML5 data visualization tool written as a demonstration of interactive graphing in HTML5. It is similar to the Flash tool on http://finance.google.com/. The tool itself is written entirely in JavaScript, using the Prototype and Flotr libraries. It can be used to display any two 2-D data sets of real numerical data which share an axis.

This demo displays historical stock data for Google from their IPO to March 5th, 2010. This data was acquired through the Google Finance website.

You can mouse over the chart for additional data, as well as zoom and pan the charts using the grey bottons. For best results view with FireFox, Chrome, or Safari.

Best Simple Page Peel Effect jQuery Plugin

SohTanaka has made a tutorial: Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS. All they are doing is expanding the image on hover, then retracting to its default size on hover out. You have probably seen these forms of advertisings where you can peel a corner of a website and see a message underneath.

You may also interested in The Sexy Curls jQuery Plugin if you like this tutorial. The page corner can be set to curl automatically. The plugin is released under the MIT license. That means you can do whatever you like with it.

Page Corner Peel jQuery Plugin

Supersized Full Screen Photos Slideshow jQuery Plugin

Supersized is a full screen photos slideshow  jQuery plugin.


So, what exactly does Supersized do?

  • Resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio
  • Cycles Images/backgrounds via slideshow with transitions and preloading
  • Navigation controls allow for pause/play and forward/back


I’ve put together a few example customizations:

jQuery Slideshow

MooMonth MooTools Full Javascript Calendar Component

MooMonth is a full calendar application written in JavaScript. MooMonth is intended to be heavily configurable and customizable. It features smooth transitions between different views. MooMonth is still in the very early stages of development and should not be used for production-quality products at this time.


jPhotoGrid Zoomable Image Gallery jQuery Plugin

jPhotoGrid plugin takes a simple list of images and captions and turns it into a grid of photos that can be explored and zoomed.  You can check out a demo here.

Nearly all of the styling for this plugin is done in css.  The trick is to layout the grid by floating the list items.  The first thing the plugin will then do, is convert these all to absolutely positioned.  This is what allows the plugin to zoom in on an individual image and then return it to its place.  Like my interactive map plugin, this depends on the browsers ability to scale images.  In my stylesheet, the images are set to width:100% and I simply animate the size of the container.


jQuery Lightweight UI Notify Widget in Pure CSS

This is called jQuery UI Notify Widget, that is similar to the Growl-like scripts we mentioned in the past, except most seem to come with an enormous footprint: 10-12k of code, X-number of images, and roughly 1000 options to support every plausible use case.

jQuery UI Notify Widget is built off the jQuery UI widget factory in approx. 100 lines of code and 100% CSS. In typical widget fashion, this implementation supports the most basic uses, but is flexible enough for more advanced cases.


Creates a scrollable interface to scroll over a large image in a smaller area

jQuery Image Scroller Plugin creates a scrollable interface to scroll over a large image in a smaller area.

If you just want to skip ahead, check out a simple demo and download the plugin.
